Redefine Customer Experience For Modern Banking

How APIs are Changing the Relationships Between Banks and Their Customers

 Here are three ways your bank can leverage APIs to go above and beyond to deliver the secure, seamless, and personalized experience your customers have come to expect today:

 # 1 Protect Your Customers from Fraud with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 

With Verify Vonage API, PSD2 compliance is simple. Banks can forward the phone number they want to authenticate to the Verify API, including the payee and transaction amount—and Vonage takes care of the rest and sends the code through SMS.

# 2 Engage with Customers on Their Preferred Digital Communication Channels

Financial services businesses are all faced with the dilemma that while their customers expect everything to be online, they are also demanding a more seamless, intuitive, and personalized service:

  • WhatsApp provides a great way for banks to communicate with customers, provide alerts or notifications, and share bank statements or other financial documentation.  
  • In-App Messaging can help banks  enhance the real-time customer experience through in-app messaging support through your own banking app. 
  • Video Chat connects banks with their customers using live video communications in real time by using APIs or embedded communications for your website or mobile banking app. 

#3 Give Customers What They Want with AI Powered Chatbots

Deliver the customer support experience your customers want with AI powered chatbots and communications APIs. Customer service in any industry can be a challenge. When you add digital communications to the mix, engagement doesn’t always get easier. 


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